Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yeast Infection Symptoms Change

Strange Yeast infection symptoms occur. They vary from person to person. And with one person the symptoms can change from day to day. These symptoms may vary based on the person's general health or genetic makeup. This is the one of the reasons that there are so many different symptoms.

75% of the population, it has been estimated, suffer from some sort of yeast infection at some time in their life.

To treat yeast infection you have to treat what caused the infection in the first place. The root cause. Everyone knows what a flare up of vaginal yeast infection or diaper rash is. You get some medicine and it clears up, right?

But did you REALLY cure the infection or did you just treat the symptoms?

Chronic Yeast Infection

You treated the symptoms in most cases and the yeast infection is still there. Unless you treated the root cause of the yeast infection you have not solved the problem.



There will still be a low level of the yeast cells present... just waiting until conditions are right for another Flare-up.

Most people don't know what a chronic yeast infection is or the damage it can do. Many people become so accustomed to their symptoms they think their symptoms are simply just part of growing older or part of their lives.

For more information: http://www.CureYeastToday.com

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