Monday, September 22, 2008

The Importance of water for a yeast Infection

If you are anything like me, you prefer to drink anything but water. Most men HATE being told to drink more water. However, water is important so just suck it up and drink it. My family have to force me to drink more water but I have discovered they are right. My health is so much better since drinking 8 glasses a day.

Did you know men can get urinary tract infections? I thought only the ladies got that but actually men can get it too so if your bladder hurts, or it's extremely painful to pee, or you feel like going to the toilet all the time.... you possibly have a yeast infection. Don't freak out if your urine is brown either (should probably go to the doctor) but it can be a yeast infection so drink lots of water and flush those things out of you.

For more Information

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