Friday, September 19, 2008

5 Ways to Relieve Yeast Infections

Here are some useful tips to help you when the yeast infection is driving you nuts! These have helped me soooooooooo much.

1. Drink lots and lots of water
When the symptoms are driving you crazy, drink two glasses of water immediately. This will help a lot. To prevent symptoms from occuring, simply drinking 2-3L of water daily can actually be a cure on its own. My daughter was cured simply from drinking more water.

2. Black Walnut Capsules
This is marvelous! This can be bought from any health store. Nature's Herbs are the best at 490mg. Take two capsules three times a day when the symptoms arise.

3. Acidophilus Natural Yoghurt
This can be taken orally or applied to the affected area (yes, even private areas). This is great 'cos yeast hate to live with bacteria so this will put good bacteria in the area and the yeast won't be able to compete for space, nutrients and the waste products of the bacteria is toxic to the yeast.

4. Foods to Avoid
When symptoms are really driving you mad, avoid to eat white bread, sugar (cakes, biscuits/cookies, lollies/candy/sweets, fruits), acidic foods (tomatoes, oranges), preservatives and food colouring and fizzy drinks and alcohol.

5. Laughing
Stress can be a major cause of all types of infections. My advise therefore: try to find time to relax, laugh and enjoy life.

For more information:

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