Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Men are Less Likely to Seek Treatment for Yeast Infections

“Men are less likely to seek treatment for yeast infections” says Doctor Vaughan of the Hamilton East Medical Centre in New Zealand. He believes this is a common problem with men all over the world, “they tend to neglect their health”.

Mr Boud of Tauranga, New Zealand confirms Dr Vaughans comments, “I suffered for more than 20 years with a yeast infection and ignored it. I was embarrassed to seek help”.

This is one reason why Beau Keith of Waikato, New Zealand has started a new website designed to educate men on yeast infections, the symptoms and treatments. He says, “this is the first website I have seen that caters for men. Most websites that deal with yeast infections are catered for women with a little piece about men. But men need a website that is just for them, they don’t want to look at womens’ problems, they just want to know what affects them”.

The website, he says “is made by men for men” and he encourages men to check it out immediately saying, “most men may not even realise they have a yeast infection. My only symptoms were headaches, aching muscles and fatigue”.

A recent study performed at the department of Laboratory Medicine at the Hainan Medical College in China found that oral yeast rates and species composition were similar between male and female participants (Mycopathologia. 2007 Aug;164(2):65-72.) showing yeast infections can be a problem not only for women.

Dr Vaughan says yeast are a common and natural flora of the body (both men and women) but become an infection when they multiply out of control. He states that a change in body pH is the main reason and this can be caused through a reduction of the body’s immune system through medication such as chemotherapy or stress.
Beau Keith also suggests that many men may have yeast infections caused through the consumption of products containing yeast such as alcohol and in particular beer since “many men all over the world enjoy a beer or two”

for more information: www.cureyeasttoday.com

Monday, September 29, 2008

Causes for Yeast Infections Diabetes.

Men with Diabetes are more susceptible to yeast infections, presumably because the elevated sugar in the urine makes for yummy yeast food. If you are always thirsty, and you urinate often I recommend you go and see your Doctor.
For more Information you can contact.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fungi, Yeast Infection in Men's feet

I'm going to talk about having a Fungi Infection on your feet, your feet get very itchy, & red, and sometimes scaly, and sometimes you can get a dry skin, it can be irritable and inflamed and have cracked heels. You need to change your socks daily, avoid sharing towels, dry your skin carefully after bathing. The other thing I found was that when ever I drank milk it would erupt, so a mate of mine put me onto Soy milk, and it helped immensely, the Infection, or Fungi started to disappear, within a month my feet were clearing up.
For more Information.


Friday, September 26, 2008

What is thrush in men?

What is Thrush? Thrush is a fungus otherwise known as Candida, or a Yeast Infection. Fungi, as everybody knows, love to live in moist warm areas. Thrush in men is most commonly found in the mouth or on the feet (especially under the toe nails) but can also grow on the skin of your most private of private areas.

For more information contact


How chemicals can effect yeast problems.

I worked for many years as a Furniture Finisher, where every day I used chemicals like resins. The effects from the chemicals got into my system which destroyed the healthy bacteria in my body. This allowed the yeast to grow causing an infection throughout my whole body. It was mostly seen in my feet that became completely red, swollen with peeling skin. I also I felt so irritable and grumpy.

For more information on how I cured myself:

How to know if you have a yeast Infection

Most men can have a yeast infection without even knowing it. The way I knew something was wrong was I had aching muscles, headaches, and tiredness. Some other symptoms can be depression, burning in the urinary tract, constant colds, constipation, the feeling of wanting to urinate all the time and burning or itchy genitiles. You don't have to have ALL these symptoms to have a yeast infection. You might have a yeast infection in your gut and the only symptoms will be chronic tiredness with no explanation.

For more Information on symptoms and treatment:

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Importance of water for a yeast Infection

If you are anything like me, you prefer to drink anything but water. Most men HATE being told to drink more water. However, water is important so just suck it up and drink it. My family have to force me to drink more water but I have discovered they are right. My health is so much better since drinking 8 glasses a day.

Did you know men can get urinary tract infections? I thought only the ladies got that but actually men can get it too so if your bladder hurts, or it's extremely painful to pee, or you feel like going to the toilet all the time.... you possibly have a yeast infection. Don't freak out if your urine is brown either (should probably go to the doctor) but it can be a yeast infection so drink lots of water and flush those things out of you.

For more Information http://www.cureyeasttoday.com/

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Boy babies can get diaper rash

A nappy (diaper) rash left untreated can easily become infected with yeast (Candida albicans), even if your child is a boy.This is because yeast love moist warm areas such as a babies bottom. Babies are more susceptible to infection if the baby has been taking antibiotics or the baby's mother is taking antibiotics and breastfeeds..If your child recently had a yeast infection of the mouth, he/she may end up with a yeast infection in his nappy/diaper area, too. That's because yeast passes through your child's digestive system when he/she eats and it ends up in his faeces, which lands in his diaper right next to his warm, moist skin.

For more information"

Why you should drink water

Water rids the body of wastes. Toxins released from yeast (and bacteria) in the gut and urinary tract are removed when you drink enough water. Flushing your system with water will also help to flush out some of the yeast.

Drinking water has certainly proven to be an effective relief of symptoms. It cannot however, destroy the yeast or remove the cells completely. To find out how to be cured completely of yeast check out:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Odourless Garlic Tablets, & Lavender Oil.

I take garlic for everything including hayfever and I've been told it will also help yeast infections. Lavender oil diluted and placed on the affected area is supposed to ease the irritation. Lavender is a natural antiseptic. Not tried it myself but for more information:


Friday, September 19, 2008

Dangers of Untreated Yeast Infections

One worry is that if left untreated, yeast infections can develop into a medical condition called sepsis which is a blood bacterial infection. This can be deadly.

If you are anything like me though, you will probably leave it untreated for years and years. This is so typical male (especially New Zealand men). But, look after yourself. Don't put up with it and neglect your health. And don't think you are more of a man for putting up with it.

Check out this website for more help:

beat the itchys

check out this web site, this helped me alot with my itchy yeast problems.

5 Ways to Relieve Yeast Infections

Here are some useful tips to help you when the yeast infection is driving you nuts! These have helped me soooooooooo much.

1. Drink lots and lots of water
When the symptoms are driving you crazy, drink two glasses of water immediately. This will help a lot. To prevent symptoms from occuring, simply drinking 2-3L of water daily can actually be a cure on its own. My daughter was cured simply from drinking more water.

2. Black Walnut Capsules
This is marvelous! This can be bought from any health store. Nature's Herbs are the best at 490mg. Take two capsules three times a day when the symptoms arise.

3. Acidophilus Natural Yoghurt
This can be taken orally or applied to the affected area (yes, even private areas). This is great 'cos yeast hate to live with bacteria so this will put good bacteria in the area and the yeast won't be able to compete for space, nutrients and the waste products of the bacteria is toxic to the yeast.

4. Foods to Avoid
When symptoms are really driving you mad, avoid to eat white bread, sugar (cakes, biscuits/cookies, lollies/candy/sweets, fruits), acidic foods (tomatoes, oranges), preservatives and food colouring and fizzy drinks and alcohol.

5. Laughing
Stress can be a major cause of all types of infections. My advise therefore: try to find time to relax, laugh and enjoy life.

For more information: CureYeastToday.com